The INCF Neuroinformatics gateway on F1000Research will publish an article series on open neuroscientific methods, software, data descriptions and training approaches in advance of the this year’s Neuroinformatics Congress.
The submission deadline is Aug 7th with articles being publicized by both us and the INCF before, during and after the Congress (Aug 20-21st). The gateway also supports LaTeX submissions via Overleaf.
Articles in this series will be published using a novel publication model designed to reduce publication delays and research waste, and increase transparency: manuscripts are published within a few days of submission (pending an editorial check to ensure research reporting guidelines are met, and associated non-identifiable data and code is publicly available), ready for open peer review by invited experts. Once an article passes peer review, it is indexed in PubMed, Scopus and elsewhere. Articles are versioned, so authors can update their paper to respond to peer review comments.
Would you be able to contribute an article to the series? If you have any questions please get in touch with the F1000Research staff